Can Type-1 Diabetes Be Reversed or Cured Naturally?

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Type-1 diabetes develops when the immune system of your body fights against the productions of insulin by pancreas. Cells of pancreas that have crucial function to make and produce insulin are called ‘beta cells’. Most patients with this disease are able to cope with the problem, but can it be reversed or cured naturally?

The pancreas of most people with type-1 is no longer to make insulin. As a result, they are easier to have high blood sugar level. Since there is no any insulin in the bloodstream, they need to regularly take additional insulin injection.

Why does your body need adequate hormone insulin in the bloodstream? Insulin is very crucial to help cells of the body to absorb glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream.

The absorption of this glucose then will be used by the body to produce energy. If there is no adequate insulin, glucose in the bloodstream is difficult to be converted into energy and this will cause high accumulation of glucose in the blood, causing high blood sugar levels.

Diabetes mellitus type-1 complications

If you are diagnosed with this disease, the goal of treatment is to prevent the complications.

Once a sign of a complication occurs, it must be concerned as well with appropriate treatments, because some complications of diabetes could be potentially life-threatening if left untreated. If poorly controlled, it may affect crucial organs such as blood vessels, kidneys, heart, nerves, and eyes.

As well we know, it is a lifelong condition – it is chronic condition that requires a lifelong commitment to follow the instructions from your healthcare provider.

Keeping the level of blood sugar as close to normal as possible for most of the time is vital to reduce the risk of diabetes complications. The poorly-controlled your blood sugar and the earlier you get diabetes – the greater chance for the complications to occur.

Most complications of this disease typically develop gradually that may take years. Below are some common complications:

  1. Nephropathy – the damaged kidneys. Kidneys are crucial to filter blood and help produce urine. They have a lot of tiny blood vessel clusters. The accumulation, high volume of sugar in the bloodstream can be potential to hurt the kidneys. This may end with a kidney failure.
  2. Problems affecting blood vessels, causing hypertension. Diabetes is one of heart disease risk factors. In long term, the high volume of glucose in the bloodstream may also lead to stroke, chest pain, heart attack, arthrosclerosis (problem of narrowing arteries), etc.
  3. Decreased density of bone, increasing the risk of osteoporosis.
  4. Hearing troubles. Some statistics show that people with diabetes are likely to have certain hearing impairments.
  5. Neuropathy – a kind of health problem that affect nerve system (nerve damage). Excessively accumulation of sugar in the bloodstream increases the risk of injuring the walls of capillaries (very tiny blood vessels) that nourish a lot of nerves –particularly in your legs. This can lead to some discomforts that affect your legs such as pain, numbness, and tingling – or even a leg amputation (in severe case). Uncontrolled high blood sugar level may also damage the nerves of gastrointestinal tract which then can lead to some symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
  6. The risk of pregnancy complications! For pregnant women who have type-1 diabetes, it is very crucial to maintain their blood sugar level –otherwise they are at greater risk of pregnancy complications.
  7. Problems related to mouth and skin. Diabetes may increase the risk of developing some skin problems such as certain fungal and bacterial infections. Patients may also be vulnerable to have gum infections, particularly for those with a personal history of bad dental hygiene.
  8. Vision problems! The body consists of many blood vessels.  And your eyes also have some blood vessels – if these vessels affected by diabetes, you may have vision problems such as glaucoma, cataracts, or even blindness.

Can type-1 diabetes be reversed naturally?

Pre-diabetes (particularly for type-2 diabetes) may be able to be reversed with some appropriate strategies such as with healthy diet, exercise, and the use of some medical interventions if necessary — though most doctors say there is no cure.

In type-1 diabetes, this could be more challenging. If the beta cells of your pancreas have died or no longer to produce any insulin (type-1), it’s harder to reverse or cure the disease.

In case of type-1 diabetes, the problem is not only about the loss of pancreas’s ability in making insulin. The wrong mechanism of immune system that has contribution in destroying the beta cells of the pancreas is also a tough underlying cause to solve.

The most important thing, it’s manageable. Although currently it has no cure, many patients are able to cope with the disease. With comprehensive strategies, the prognosis of the disease is quite awesome.


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